Low Immunity

The immune system is like a guardian that protects us from the cold, excessive heat, wind, and illness. When it is weakened, it is important to strengthen it and expel external pathogens quickly, as some chronic conditions can develop simply from lingering colds or infections. Chinese Medicine offers a unique perspective on respiratory infections and believes that individual susceptibility to bacterial or viral infections depends on the body’s internal environment. Like a poorly ventilated and damp room, a body with poor energy and circulation is more prone to illness. 

According to Chinese Medicine theory, it is advised to avoid raw and cold food, dairy products, sugar, and excessive alcohol and coffee consumption. These foods consume the body’s energy and create dampness and inflammation, which can encourage pathogen growth. A proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, along with Chinese Medicine treatments, can greatly improve the body’s condition.  

We offer Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine treatments to strengthen your immune system and provide diet and lifestyle recommendations to assist in a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Common Cold, Flu & Viral Infections

  • Respiratory problems

  • Hay Fever & Allergy

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Auto-Immune Diseases

Chinese Medicine takes a holistic approach, focusing on restoring the body’s overall balance as well as preventing illness. In Chinese Medicine, the emphasis is not on identifying specific bacteria or viruses causing the illness, but rather on observing the body’s response to it and treating the body itself. As a result, if acute cold or flu symptoms are addressed promptly, our treatments can provide prompt relief. Consult your qualified Chinese Medicine practitioner to learn more about strengthening your immune system.