Natural Fertility & IVF
Chinese Medicine has had a long history of treating fertility, pregnancy, and postnatal care with Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, lifestyle, and diet therapy. In Chinese Medicine, there is a direct correlation between the human body and the cosmos. In the natural order of the universe, seeds are planted when there is nutritious soil with abundant sunlight and water. Likely, to have a body that’s capable for conception, here are some tips to create your flourishing garden:
Soil – Consume a variety of natural food, avoid excess chemical and processed food, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Sunlight – Have your body stayed warm, have a minimal amount of cold and raw food.
Water – Keep the body hydrated and well-circulated; regular exercise is recommended
Natural Fertility Support
Chinese Medicine provides a unique and holistic view of the body, any disharmony within the reproductive system and with its associated organs are what we aim to treat to assist infertility. Signs as minor as irregular menstruation cycle or period pain can indicate that there are imbalance and stagnation according to Chinese Medicine theory, and that needs to be resolved.
The common conditions that lead to infertility are as follows,
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Premature ovarian failure
Fallopian tube obstruction
Chronic vaginal discharge
Chronic endometritis.
Chinese Medicine identifies the Kidney, Spleen, and Liver as organs that play a significant role in the reproductive system. When any of these organs are not functioning optimally, fertility problems may arise.
The Kidney is considered the “origin of congenital constitution” and is responsible for storing essence, which is the foundation of yin-yang balance and vitalises the organs. If the Kidney fails to store essence properly, it can lead to menstrual irregularities such as delayed or scanty periods, non-ovulation, and even infertility. Nourishing Kidney yin, the essence, can regulate menstrual cycles, balance hormone levels, and support the development of healthy follicles, eggs, and sperm production. Strengthening Kidney yang, on the other hand, can promote progesterone levels and enhance fertilisation and implantation.
The Spleen, known as the “material basis of acquired constitution,” is responsible for transforming food into energy and nutrients. It plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle as it governs energetic processes, blood circulation, and hormone production. When the spleen functions improperly, it can lead to issues such as early and heavy periods, prolonged menstruation, and poor blood supply to the reproductive system, ultimately resulting in infertility.
The Liver, responsible for regulating the flow of Qi (energy) and emotions, plays a significant role in supporting ovulation. It moves blood to the uterus and influences the menstrual cycle. If the Liver’s function is compromised, it can impact the hormonal system and result in symptoms like chest or lower abdominal pain, irregular periods, and emotional imbalances. This can further lead to conditions like heavy periods, shortened menstrual cycles, and, in extreme cases, insufficient blood supply to the womb, causing scanty menstruation or amenorrhea.
Additionally, Liver Qi stagnation can lead to an accumulation of oestrogen in the body, creating a toxic environment within the uterus that is detrimental to implantation and fertility. Conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome are believed to be associated with oestrogen dominance.
At NATRUE HEALS, we provide a comprehensive treatment plan for your specific condition. Preconception care is recommended to start between 3-6 months prior to conception. The purpose of preconception care is to assist your body to reach its optimum health for a positive and smooth pregnancy.
Our treatments help to regulate your menstruation cycle, promote healthy ovulation, balance the hormones, and relieve stress. Chinese Medicine increases fertility chances by improving blood flow to the ovaries and the uterus, and this helps to improve ovarian function, increase uterine lining, and egg quality. Also, when the body is more nourished and strengthened, there is a lower chance of getting miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
IVF Support
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are now well-practiced alongside IVF treatment. At NATURE HEALS, we have vast experience working in conjunction with your IVF, IUI, or ICSI program. The purposes of having Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture treatments along with IVF procedure are to
Optimise follicle development
Increase uterine lining
Decrease side effects of IVF drugs
Reduce anxiety and stress
Improve sperm quality
Regulate fertility hormones
Promote optimal environment for implantation
Support a sustained pregnancy
Our treatments aim to improve your reproductive and overall constitution of the body and help you to have a relaxed state of mind to have a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. Treatments will be explicitly performed at different stages of the IVF cycle; it is recommended that you start Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture treatment three months before the IVF procedure. However, don’t worry if you have missed this window, our practitioner will assess and work out an individualised treatment plan for you.
Let us work together and embrace this unique journey of yours.