Emotional Disorders

Chinese medicine operates on the understanding of the body’s energy flow, Qi. It recognises five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water), each representing a vital energy quality for one’s well-being. Emotional disorders are explained to be the result of organ disharmony in the body. They can be triggered by either external factors such as stress or trauma, or internal imbalance such as hormonal change or chronic pain.

The elements are associated with specific organs and emotions:

  • Wood: Liver and Gall bladder, linked to anger
  • Fire: Heart and Small intestine, linked to joy
  • Earth: Spleen and Stomach, linked to overthinking
  • Lung: Lung and Large intestine, linked to grief
  • Water: Kidney and Bladder, linked to fear 

It is crucial for the practitioner to identify what the causes are for your specific condition in order to restore balance to the body. Sometimes, imbalances occur in multiple organs/elements, resulting in complex emotional disturbances. For instance, extreme mood swings between joy and fear indicate an imbalance in the “fire” and “water” elements, corresponding to the Heart and Kidney.

Emotional disorders can significantly disrupt the immune system and affect overall health in Chinese Medicine. These are the conditions that we treat,

  • Stress, Anxiety & Depression

  • Insomnia & Sleep Disorders

  • Quitting Smoking

  • Other Stress-related Symptoms

​As we treat the pattern of disharmony, Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine bring the body, mind and spirit into its harmonious state. At NATURE HEALS, gentle treatments are performed in a comfortable environment, be ready to feel relaxed and rejuvenated after each treatment!